one of the things that always makes me super jealous is models ability to pull of crazy hair. i totally wish i could just roll out of bed every morning and walk out the door with bed head. it would make life SO much easier if i was running late to class or something. while i still would not want my hair as messy as this model, even though she somehow pulls it off and makes it look gorgeous, it would be awesome if i could do the messy hair thing. OH WELL, i guess somehow i will survive without this superpower.

opening ceremony
models can pull off the craaaaziest shit. it's unfair. and unbelievably awesome.
These are such cool pictures! I love the first two espesh.. What awesome outfits!
Oh, and thank you for you comment, it made me smile :-)
Panda xx
love when hair disheveled. it's very sexy)
Gorgeous pictures.Love your blog.
Have a great day.
Love these shots. great hair!
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